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Hi, the game doesn't start and the Unity log shows that Steamworks was not initialized. Did you upload the Steam build here? Could you please upload a DRM-free build?



I'm deeply sorry about that, but it should be fixed now
Thanks for the report!

(It was a save problem btw, not a DRM problem. Made the itch build in a rush for the bundle and forgot to check that everything was working on a fresh install)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the quick reply!

I'm afraid the game still doesn't work, though. It does start (and so it did before), but it freezes on a black screen.

I pointed to the DRM issue because, well, there are ways to crack a game's Steamworks dependency (e.g. with the Goldberg Emulator), and if I replace the steam_api64.dll library provided in your build with a cracked one, then the game starts and plays just fine. But of course I'd prefer to be able to play the game without having to hack it. :P

PS: I must say I'm testing and playing your game on Linux with Wine so it'd be interesting to hear the experience of native Windows users as well. However, I don't think it should make any difference.


I checked again and I am indeed an idiot "^^

(No idea how it was working on both my machines so far)

All the evil steamworks dependencies should be gone now

Thanks for the infos, and my sincere apologies again


Hahaha, don't be so hard on yourself! :P

Indeed the game works now, no hacking needed. Thanks!